How you can finally achieve more success in your network marketing business

  • Your key to success
  • Your independent network marketing platform
  • Your tools, your videos, your podcast, your knowledge


We love network marketing and the unique opportunity to create a successful and fulfilling life.

We want to inspire over 1 million people for network marketing and the unique opportunity for a self-determined life.

Who are we?

Alexander N. Krause is the founder of NETWORK PRO and has been successfully involved in network marketing since February 1994.

Thousands of partners have been created in his organization. In 2008, he was the first in the world to reach the highest career position in his network marketing company and records annual sales in the millions.

When he got to know Network Marketing it was immediately clear to him that this was the chance for a better life.

Now it is close to his heart to pass on his knowledge to others and to accompany them on their way to a successful and self-determined life.

What are we doing?

We love network marketing and the unique opportunity to create a successful and fulfilling life.

For this reason we want to support people to become a NETWORK PRO themselves and to inspire others to do the same. Network marketing is from our point of view the best possibility to lead a safe and exciting life and as a PRO to achieve a minimum 6-digit annual income.

We develop tools, trainings and much more so that people grasp the real GENIALITY of network marketing and recommend it to others.
We can only achieve our vision of helping 1 million people to be more successful in network marketing together with other PROs. Therefore we strive for cooperation with the press, network trainers, top networkers and all serious and long-term oriented network companies.

How do you benefit from being part of our Network Pro movement?

Podcasts, trainings, books, posters ... much more. From now on you can use our expert knowledge

NETWORK PRO tools were created for you so that you can get an even better understanding and achieve your breakthrough with your partner company in network marketing.

  • Get the best tips and tricks from successful networkers
  • Learn what really matters in network marketing
  • Learn how you can use THE opportunity of your life for you properly

Enthusiastic networkers say about us

Network Pro has helped me a lot to work on myself and see my business from a completely new perspective. I hope that all networkers who have not yet achieved the success they would like to find out about it!
There is no mincing of words! Super authentic and direct. Just the thing to finally get ahead. After that I searched for a long time and finally found it.
Everything that is important as a networker that I would like to have in order to advance my business is summarized in a simple and condensed manner. The tools are absolutely unbeatable and super helpful.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes! After you have registered with your e-mail address, you will immediately have access to our member area with all the tools for you.
  • Definitely! Our tools are suitable for absolutely every network marketing company. Completely independent of which branch it is in.
  • Absolutely! This platform is for EVERY networker. If you want to have more success in your network marketing business, then this is the right place for you!
  • We offer you a large number of free tools for your advancement in network marketing. All you have to do is enter your email and you will have access to all our tools.
  • Absolutely! We attach great importance to the fact that your data is safe with us and protected from access by third parties.
  • Gerade im Network-Marketing hängt der Erfolg noch mehr von Dir ab als in anderen Branchen. Deshalb nimmt die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung bei uns eine sehr große Rolle ein und wir haben einen besonderen Fokus auf Deine persönliche Entwicklung gelegt, damit Du Dein Ziel schneller erreichst.

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